A full transcript of the panel with Con O'Neill, Nathan Foad and Kristian Nairn at MCM Comic Con on May 27th, 2023. The transcript is edited from automatic transcription with filler words etc. removed for readability. I've added headings for each question (timecodes possibly coming).
There are a few names I did not feel confident attempting to spell; if this is you or your friend, please let me know and I'll add it! Ditto other corrections and feedback. I'm napneeders on tumblr (often) and twitter (maybe).
Speaker: ...your moderator, Veronica Valencia.
Host: Hello, MCM Comic Con! How are you? Wow. Am I looking at a gorgeous room right now of Our Flag Means Death cosplayers. This is awesome. All right, now we're here for one reason and one reason only. There's a show. It's funny, it's romantic, it's sexy. Am I right? Yeah. Who here loves Our Flag Means Death? [audience cheers] Me too. So let's get us started. We have some awesome people here to talk to all of you. Let's get them out. First up, we got us Izzy Hands. Everyone welcome Con O'Neill. Next up, we have our favourite writer, Lucius. Everyone, Nathan Foad. And finally we have our very good friend, Wee John, Kristian Nairn.
Kristian: Hi guys.
Con: Hello hello.
Nathan: Hi gay.
Host: Hi everyone. How are we? How are you doing?
Nathan: Good. This is so, there's so many of you. That's wild. Hi everyone.
Con: You all look fucking great.
What has your experience of making the show and its reception been like?
Host: Fucking love it. Alright. So this show is amazing. Developed such a huge loyal fan base. I mean, look at all of them. When you were making this show, kind of in your own world, how was it? You were making it, you put it out to the world, then you saw the reception. How has that experience been for all of you?
Nathan: Ooh.
Con: Well, surprising. You know, we made it in LA after the second lockdown. And we knew the scripts were good. We knew the casting was good. I don't think any of us realised how queer it was going to be. But thank fuck for that. And then it dropped and you lot... took it, and made it your own. And forever fucking grateful.
Kristian: I mean, it was very hard to imagine. We never really saw any real water. It was all in... I mean, maybe two or three days we saw the sea. It was just inside a very large room rather like this and a rocking boat, which was horrendous. But yeah, it was very hard to imagine that it was going to become so big. Although I agree with Con, the scripts were phenomenal and everyone involved is phenomenal. Yeah. But it's just a surprise. I never expected to see so many beautiful outfits. I've never seen so many amazing costumes. You're all so talented. Like, seriously.
Nathan: Yeah, truly. I mean, some of you look better than we do in the show, which is kinda...
Kristian: That's true.
Nathan: Sort of devastating. Yeah. I mean, making the show was so much fun, but it's like, it is so bizarre... When you are there and you are doing your scenes and it's maybe just you and a couple of other people in the scene, it feels quite small and intimate and you can't really think about the bigger picture when you're acting. Or if you do, I think it can drive you a bit crazy. So I don't know, seeing what the show became. I mean also literally the green screen and the special effects. I was like, that's crazy. Tried to tell my boyfriend, I was like, there were no, honestly, there was no water there on the day, that's why. And he's like, yeah, I know how green screen works. So yeah, it's been a really, really beautiful experience. And getting to do these cons as well. It's so amazing to get to meet everyone. We love you guys.
Were there any scenes that were so funny it was hard to get through them?
Host: And so, I've actually been able to see you at conventions before and you are always such a fun time. And I can only imagine that's the exact same way on set, so...
Nathan: Yeah.
Host: I can imagine. So...
Kristian: Not at all actually. No, no, we are. We really are.
Host: Well, because I was going to ask, were there any scenes that were maybe just so funny you couldn't get through them, or it was harder?
Nathan: I've talked about this so many times, but there's one scene with me and Matthew Maher who plays Black Pete. Oh, my Black Pete stans, give me it. [audience cheers] I did that for Matt. He'd be like, what the fuck? Yeah, doing... There's a scene where he, I'm hiding the book under my shirt and he sits down, it's my favourite line in the show. He sits down and he says, "babe, why are you..." This is my Matthew Maher impression. "Why are you holding, why are you holding yourself like that? Nervous tummy?" And the way... I was like, it was at the end of such a long day, I was absolutely hysterical, just losing my mind, and him saying "nervous tummy", every... I was crying laughing. I actually can't believe they used it in the show because I was like, I remember saying to the director at the end, I was like, I don't think we have it. I don't think we have a version where I'm not visibly weeping. So that was the scene where I really lost my mind. I think I had heat stroke or something, who knows? But yeah, love him.
Kristian: I think anything involving the Swede, or Nat. He is such a funny physical actor, and that bloody accent, I could never keep a straight face with him. And that thing with the teeth. I had really a lot of issues with that, getting that completed. Cause every time I looked at his face, even off set, I would laugh. So yeah, he's a very funny guy.
Nathan: Also fun, speaking of green screen, circling back, fun fact, when the Swede loses his teeth, Nat Faxon had to wear bright green caps over the teeth that he was missing. So it was like every, you'd go up to him in between shots and just start chatting and he'd have a mouth full of fluorescent green teeth. So good. So good. Conathan?
Con: Izzy doesn't find anything fucking funny.
How has your experience with Wee John Wednesdays been?
Host: So you're connecting here at the show, but you have also, because Kristian, over on your Instagram account, you do Wee John Wednesdays and get... [audience cheers] Yeah, right? And you've kind of been able to go episode by episode, watch, reflect, and connect with so many members of the cast. Nathan and Con, you have been on. How has that experience been for you all?
Kristian: Wee John Wednesdays? I mean, it's just me in my bedroom, or my computer room with my iPhone.
Nathan: In your negligee.
Kristian: Yeah. That's why you could never see beneath the neck. But yeah, I just felt that, I just felt it needed more promotion here in the UK [audience cheers] to be honest. Not to be controversial in any way, but... Yet. But you guys deserve to see just a bit what's going on behind the scenes. And these are such great guys off camera. You deserve to see a bit more of who they really are. Because you're all awesome.
Nathan: Imagine I start crying. Yeah, doing those Instagram lives is so fun. It's such a great way to connect with people, particularly because not everyone has the access to come to things like this or whatever. So it's so cool to be able to answer people's questions in real time. Even if 90% of the questions are about season two.
Kristian: I have to say though, I always panned off, if I didn't answer your questions, there was another person who was filtering the questions. So I didn't take the blame. He's here in the audience. I'm not, I'm not going to point him out.
Nathan: But I always, I feel...
Kristian: If you want to lynch him, that's...
Nathan: Yeah, yeah, perfect. Pelt him with rotten fruit.
Con: It is, it's quite difficult, though, doing it with mates, because you have to be really guarded. And we'd all just wrapped on season two, and you have to be guarded not to say anything. And when you're talking to the press, it's easy. But when you're talking to your mates, we really nearly got fucked over quite a few times.
Kristian: Especially with Leslie.
Con: Yeah, yeah. Leslie. Yeah. Don't tell Leslie anything. Ever!
Kristian: I was really quiet during that. I was just literally clenching my buttocks together the whole time. I was just like, oh my god.
Con: In your negligee.
Nathan: While I was losing my fucking mind.
Kristian: Yeah. Well thank you for keeping that going.
Nathan: You're welcome.
Kristian: I was too busy freaking out.
Nathan: But yeah, I always feel like I black out during those lives. And then at the end of it, it is, it's such a funny moment when you get off and you are just sat in your bedroom and you're like, thanks guys, thanks so much for watching, bye bye bye bye! And then you close it down and you're like, what did I just say? I sometimes will just scrub through them and watch 'em back quickly to be like, did I say anything demented? And the answer is yes.
Con: But that's the story of your life.
Nathan: Yeah, yeah, exactly. What did I just say? Yeah, yeah. Blind panic.
Host: Now I know all of you out there have some questions I'm sure you'd love to answer. So I'm going to open it up to fan questions just in a moment. So if you have any burning Our Flag Means Death questions, you can start lining up on either side of the microphones. And then as you're doing that...
Nathan: Look at that. Let the Hunger Games begin.
Con: Can we just acknowledge our brilliant signers? [sign language interpreters sign "thank you"]
What would your character's DJ name be and what music would they play?
Host: Love it. And so my last question for you up here is, Kristian, you're a DJ. So for your characters, this inspired that question. If your characters were DJs, what would their DJ names be? And maybe what music would they play?
Nathan: Ooh, okay. Once again, blind.
Kristian: Is there a prize for this? Is there an answer, is there a correct answer? I don't know. His name would be... oh, I've got a good idea. His name's DJ Kristian Nairn and he is playing here tonight. Promo.
Nathan: He'd be called Lil Baby Lu. And he would play just whatever the soundtrack to the Barbie Movie's going to be. Just that on repeat.
Con: Izzy Fuck.
Nathan: Izzy Fuck.
Con: Yeah. And just heavy metal. With the occasional Barbara Streisand song. Yeah. And Liza Minelli. I'm going to go off on a tangent now. Yeah.
Host: I'd love to hear it though, that tangent.
Con: No.
Do you have a favourite behind the scenes story?
Host: All right, we'll start over here. Hi, what's your name and what's your question?
Fan: Hi, my name is [?].
Nathan: Hi gorgeous.
Fan: So I, well, one quick thing, Nathan, I believe Rosie messaged you yesterday.
Nathan: Is that you? Oh, amazing. Hi babe. We know, we have a mutual friend. Just doing some personal admin in front of thousands of people. Oh, the best, we'll chat.
Fan: Yeah. My one question is, do you have a behind the scenes story that is your favourite story?
Nathan: Hmm. Girls?
Con: So many. I remember, and I've said this before, I remember being on set when Taika and Rhys were filming the handkerchief in the pocket scene, and just watching that play out the way it did and being incredibly moved by how romantic this queer story was being told and how beautifully the boys were playing it. And it kind of made me realise what we were doing and how important what we were doing was. So that's probably the only story I'll tell today that doesn't have the word fuck in it.
Nathan: Gorgeous. [Con cuddles up to Nathan] Beautiful stuff. [audience awws] Don't draw this, okay.
Host: That'll be online in 30 minutes.
Nathan: Yeah. No, I guess draw what you want. I'll tell you what I really loved. I've already started answering, I'm going to get someone in trouble, nevermind. But in our first week of shooting, Vico is an excellent bartender. And I remember in our first week, Vico brought... on the Friday of our first week, Vico brought a huge cock- a jar of cocktails to their trailer. And when we all wrapped, we kind of all went, and none of us really knew each other yet. And we all went for a little tequila cocktail in Vico's trailer. I have a video of it somewhere, I think. And it was just so, we listened to music and it was so fun and special. And it was the first time, genuinely, I think it was the first time I was like, I think I remember everyone's name now. And we just got a little bit buzzed in Vico's trailer and had the best time. So that was one of my favourite moments. It was where I felt like we all really bonded. Don't arrest Vico, question mark. Okay, perfect.
Kristian: I have a favourite moment where, it's probably commonly known I've got a bit of a bad back. We had a very strenuous day on set. We got into this vehicle with a cater- a crocodile they called it.
Nathan: Oh yeah.
Kristian: We had a really long day. And they were ferrying us from the stage back to our trailers. The thing broke down, and it's quite far. These guys just left me [Nathan laughs] sitting alone in the crocodile to be rescued.
Nathan: Well, yeah, because we were like, we can just walk the rest of the way, it's fine. And Kristian was like, I'm absolutely not doing that. Kristian just, she stood her ground.
Kristian: I was expecting solidarity. But no, thank you so much for that.
Nathan: There are the, I think there are vi- if you go to Samba's Instagram, I think there's a video of us all abandoning ship.
Kristian: Yeah, I'm there sat like this.
Nathan: Great. Thanks. Great question.
Fan: Thank you so much.
Nathan: Bye.
What is the importance of found family to your character?
Host: Hi. Over here. What's your name, what's your question?
Fan: Hi.
Nathan: Oh my god. If... It's Chippy, it's Chippy, folks. The iconic Chippy. If you think I don't remember you babe, you're crazy, okay.
Fan: Well I expect you to remember me.
Nathan: Yeah, of course.
Fan: So yeah, my name is Chippy, obviously. So found family is a major theme in Our Flag Means Death. So I was wondering what you think the importance of found family is to your character?
Nathan: [muted] Oh, great question. Found family. [into mic] Sorry, it's not that easy to hear, so I'll translate for these old ladies.
Con: Yeah... Yeah, yeah. I mean, listen, Izzy is kind of outside of that realm, in as much as he tends to be a lone wolf. But he... he adores the community. He just doesn't show it. And what's beautiful about this show and the characters in this show is it's a non-judgmental community. And it's safe and it's kind. And I've said it before, all the violence in our show, and it's the first time I've ever experienced a queer show that does this. All the violence in this show is never directed at somebody for their gender or their sexuality. And most queer shows, somebody gets violence thrown at them because of who they are. And our writers don't do that. And that's fucking beautiful. [audience cheers]
Kristian: I guess from the character point of view, I think before Wee John, this is my character building here, guys, you probably don't know, it hasn't really been shown in the show...
Nathan: Strap in, Jesus Christ.
Kristian: I hate you. [laughs] Yeah, I think he's had quite a tough life and I think he's probably been on the streets, he's had to fight quite a lot. But I think being on the boat has been the first time he's been able to let his soft side show. And with the people he is with, he doesn't have to have his guard up. And I think that's been very important to him. He's able to explore his love of fabrics. And yeah, it's just a way to not be the person people expect of you in real life. And it's kind of the same for me in real life as well. As I got older, I very much realised I didn't have to be the big tough guy that people think you have to be. But yeah, I mean, art mirrors real life, doesn't it.
Nathan: Yeah, for sure. Yeah. I mean it's so important, the found family thing, I think every queer person can relate to that. Obviously I find it hard to relate to because both Lucius and I are straight. But umm.... Imagine. Wouldn't that be so, wouldn't that be such a reveal? I'm like, no, I don't know where you got that from. Yeah. I think every queer person can relate to the... particularly, I always think with Lucius, if he had his druthers, if he... his ultimate fantasy would be to be accepted in a group of alternative queer artists. That's how I think of it. And he's ended up with these guys and he's sort of like, well fine, it'll fucking do. And I think we've all kind of been there, let's be honest. I really remember at school I had a group of weird queer friends, which is so weird cause I went to a working class comprehensive in the East Midlands, but there was just a gang of, a gaggle of freaks. And I sometimes think, I loved them dearly, but I was like, if we weren't queer, we absolutely wouldn't be friends. We have nothing else in common. But there's something really sort of special about that. So that but for pirates I guess. Yeah. [Con puts his fist in front of Nathan's face and Nathan tries to kiss it]
Who was the actor that didn't realise they were making a gay pirate show? / Is there something that was cut you ere disappointed didn't make it in?
Fan: Hello.
Nathan: Hi.
Fan: Hello. Hello. Okay. Too tall for this [microphone].
Nathan: Your dress is everything. It's so good. [the dress has a skeleton print]
Fan: Thanks. I... stand up, Nate. We are, we're season two's mermaids.
Nathan: Very good.
Con: Fantastic.
Nathan: Iconic.
Fan: I don't know how to... okay. I'm [?]. I have a question that I don't think you're going to answer and a question that I have provided as backup if, in case you don't answer it.
Nathan: Gorgeous.
Fan: The question I don't think you're going to answer, but I really, really want you to is, who is the person that didn't realise they were on a gay pirate show until episode four? Please, it's been haunting me. [audience laughter] Just a hint! Just give me something, I desperately want to...
Nathan: I promise I'm not just saying this. I actually do not know. I have no idea, I didn't even realise this was a thing until quite recently. And I was like, were you walking around with a blindfold? But no, I have no idea. I guess I'll just pick someone at random. Dave Fane. I don't know.
Con: Rhys?
Nathan: Rhys? No, no. Rhys knew. Rhys knew, honey. Okay, what's your backup question?
Fan: So my backup question is, was there a thing that was cut from the show that you are really super disappointed didn't make it in that you would like to tell us about, for your character or for somebody else's character? Just something that was cut for time that you're like, oh dang, that should have made it in.
Con: There's always going to be scenes cut and you're always going to be wistful. But these guys know what they're doing. And the thing about the show is it's a fast show. So narrative, narrative, narrative, narrative. There was a couple of scenes that I had with Taika that didn't quite make it, but weren't... because they weren't narrative, narrative, narrative. And maybe one day you'll get an outtakes reel, I have no idea. But you should ask for a blooper reel though, because they're fucking hilarious. [audience cheers] Yeah.
Fan: Who do we write to for that? Seriously.
Con: Who do you write to?
Fan: Yeah. Letter-writing, we can do it.
Con: Everyone.
Nathan: Weirdly, everything I did made it in the show so I wouldn't... Every word I said, that's so crazy. They edited more in than I did. No. Yeah, I think I've talked about this on a different panel, but there's a scene where, when Lucius loses the finger, when he... They give him opium as a painkiller and he almost dies of opium poisoning, which... And we filmed this whole sequence where I'm going feral, and it was really funny, but they had to lose it for time, which I totally understand. It was actually one of my worst days of filming. It was so stressful. I was covered in fake sweat and had to just, threw up on the set. And I had to eat all this vanilla protein powder that was the opium and it was disgusting. But it was a very funny scene and it didn't make it in, so R.I.P. to that scene.
Con: [muted] Was it funny?
Nathan: It was hilarious, Con.
Con: Are you sure?
Nathan: It was my greatest work, Con. Bitch. Smell her.
Con: Oh, narrative, narrative, not funny, narrative, narrative.
Nathan: Yeah. Cut the fat. Cut the fat.
Kristian: No, yeah, I think most of the things I did, in season one at least, made it in, I think.
Nathan: [in an annoying voice] OoOoh.
Kristian: It's never, sometimes... [makes a noise back] Sometimes it's not the version you think it's going to be, you think you have done a better take, which has been strange. And they put in the one you felt was worse, which is kind of them. But yeah, they see it from a different point of view, obviously. But yeah, everything I did kind of made it in. Yeah.
Nathan: Thank you.
Fan: Thank you.
What was your audition process like?
Nathan: Hi babe. Hi.
Fan: I'm Salem. I hope you're having a good convention. I hope you're having a good day. First of all, I just wanted to say thank you for being a part of this show. I can't speak for everyone here, but I know me and my friends back home, we don't live in a good area and this has given us some real comfort and some real joy. So thank you for bringing something that's meant so much to me and my friends. It's been a really safe place for us. And my question is... [audience cheers] Sorry, I'm a tad nervous. My question is, as an aspiring actor myself, auditions are a very hard thing for me to do. So what was your audition pr- like? What was your audition process? And also what did you hear about the show before you auditioned?
Kristian: Auditions are the worst thing in the world. I really don't enjoy them. I actually enjoy the modern auditions slightly more, where you are basically always on tape.
Fan: Yes.
Kristian: Well, my audition for this was very short. It was quite a short read audition, but then I had to create a story about my character and what he would do in a certain circumstance. And I think that was a big part of it, I think we all had to do that, didn't we? But not...
Nathan: Yeah. This bitch [Con] didn't.
Kristian: I know, we...
Nathan: Yeah, I had to do the same. Yeah.
Kristian: But yeah, so we had to sort of put ourselves into our character's shoes. And yeah, that was, I've never done that before for an audition. It was interesting. I actually got a friend to help me write it, but.
Nathan: I wrote my own. I find that the best thing to do for, I definitely did this for my Our Flag tape. I do it for sort of everything now. And it's maybe not the cutest, most humble thing to say, but I think I just approach every audition feeling like, yeah, I could do this. You'd be, you'd be, you'd be so lucky to have me. Even if I'm not that right for the role, it's just a weird mind trick that you have to play. And then when you don't get the role, you're like, "good luck babe. Oh nevermind, good luck though." So you just kind of have to sort of act like you've already got the part, I think, it's like... And I remember when I auditioned for Lucius, when I did my tape, I was like, I could do this. Do you know what I mean? It feels like in my wheelhouse. So I just attacked it with a sort of delusion and a confidence that I probably haven't earned. But you know, there we go.
Con: I auditioned for a different role.
Nathan: Do people not, have you ever talked about this?
Con: Dun du dun dun.
Nathan: Are you going to say what role you auditioned for?
Con: No.
Nathan: No. [screams]
Con: And... I knew they liked the tape because we got all the feedback. And then Izzy came to me, just a few sides. And I wanted to play the role I'd initially auditioned for. And David Jenkins was insistent that I read for Izzy, and thank fuck he was, because it just... it fitted like a glove, and...
Nathan: A leather glove.
Con: Like a leather glove. And yeah, I love him. And as Nathan says, sometimes you audition for something and it just feels inherent, and you don't feel like you are reaching. It just fits. And I loved his anger and I loved his rage and I loved his pithiness and I loved his humour. And yeah, it was a really quick turnaround as well, I was offered it within a couple of days, so. Yay.
Nathan: Good luck with your acting career, babe.
Fan: Thank you. Have a good convention, guys.
Nathan: Thank you.
What bedtime story would your character like to hear?
Nathan: Lovely outfit. [the fan is wearing a Lucius cosplay]
Fan: Thank you.
Nathan: Gorgeous stuff.
Fan: Hi, I'm Hazel. My question's for everyone. And it's about the stories that Stede reads to the crew at bedtime. What story would you like him to read? And what story do you think your character would enjoy listening to? And it can be published anytime because historical accuracy is... [gestures]
Nathan: Hmmmm.
Con: Bedtime stories, guys.
Nathan: Maybe, I think Lucius would like, I think he'd really relate to Cinderella. I think he'd be like, yeah, that's me. Yeah, I'm trying to, for me, pers- I'm, I mean, I'm just panicking trying to think what my favourite book is. The Secret History, maybe.
Con: The Bible.
Nathan: I'm just showing off. Yeah, the Bible. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I love it. It's so fun. [turns to Kristian]
Kristian: ...What?
Nathan: Now onto the Grand High Bitch herself.
Kristian: [mouths "what?"] What was that, what was the question? I wasn't... [laughs]
Con: What's your favourite bedtime story?
Kristian: I'm just gonna sit here going... [makes a vacant face] My favourite bedtime...
Con: What do you like to hear just before you go to sleep?
Kristian: Oh. It depends on the night. [to Nathan] Don't say anything. Don't say anything, oh my god.
Con: [overlapping] And whose voice do you want to hear it from?
Nathan: What about something with fire, The Great Fire of London or something? I don't fucking know.
Kristian: Why the f...
Nathan: I don't know guys, I'm just, I'm trying my best over here.
Kristian: Why the fuck would I want to hear that?
Nathan: I'm talking about your character!
Kristian: Oh, my character.
Nathan: Yeah! Jesus.
Kristian: He's from Dublin?
Nathan: Pop your hearing aid in, grandma. Jesus Christ.
Kristian: Ugh. [laughs] Moby Dick. Simply because it has the word dick in it.
Con: And not the book.
Nathan: It's a man called Moby.
Con: Yeah. Anything by the Grimm Brothers for Izzy. [audience member: Woo!]
Kristian: Oh dear.
Con: I think probably Cinderella, Cinderella as well. Because in Cinderella in the original story, the ugly sisters hack away the feet to try and slip in the glass slipper. So I think he'd like that because that would feel familiar.
Nathan: [gestures to himself, then the others] Cinderella, ugly sisters.
Con: Yeah.
Kristian: In your dreams.
Con: [points at either Kristian or Nathan] Moby Dick. Or, Big Huge Dick.
Nathan: [gestures to Kristian and Con] Moby and Dick. Okay, right, let's just carry...
Con: Next, next question, quick!
Nathan: Thanks.
Kristian: Oh god.
Con, is there a song or poem that encapsulates Izzy and Blackbeard's relationship to you?
Fan: Sorry, I got a little nervous there. So I'm the moderator on a very small group chat called Itty Bitty Izzy Titties. [audience laughs and cheers]
Con: Huh.
Fan: I'm sure as you can tell, we're very big fans, and we especially are loving the t-shirt [with a heart with the trans flag stripes] today. They're going to love hearing all about that. We're really big Ed and Izzy shippers. So we came together and we came up with a question to ask you, Con, if there's any sort of song or any poems or anything of that sort that kind of encapsulates the relationship between Blackbeard and Izzy to you?
Con: Fucking great question. Ah. Do you know, I've said it before, and it might be a bit random of an answer, but Freddie Mercury singing Who Wants To Live Forever, has a real resonance for me with Izzy and Blackbeard. But I've said it as well, that how I got into the headspace of Izzy was, the first day's filming, I met Taika for the first time. And Taika came into makeup and he said, I think Izzy and Blackbeard are like Judas and Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar. And then as we both got into our makeup, he played it full blast, the whole Jesus Christ Superstar thing. And he's dead fucking right. And, so yeah, Freddie Mercury, anything basically, and Jesus Christ Superstar would be the songs. Now, my tits would say the same. [holds microphone to each tit] Yeah.
Nathan: Get a grip. Thanks babe.
If your character didn't turn to piracy, what would they be doing?
Nathan: Hi.
Fan: It's [the mic?] a bit tall there I think. Hi, I'm Courtney. Oh, let me just get a bit closer. Hi. So my question for you is for everyone. If your characters didn't turn to piracy, who would you be, what career would you do, that kind of thing?
Nathan: I think Lucius would be.... a dancer. No, imagine. Can you imagine? I think he'd write, I think he'd be an artist and try and be a writer simply because he can. Like he literally can read and write. Yeah. But I don't think life was very kind to him. So yeah, I think that's what he'd do. I think so. Babe?
Kristian: I think if he hadn't got on the boat and got to explore the fabrics and the dressing side, he'd probably be, would be still in Dublin. Probably selling horses on the streets of Smithfield Market. This isn't the right, funny answer.
Nathan: [indistinct]
Kristian: Probably quite a rough life. Yeah. Or probably something completely different, selling fish. He could be a fishmonger.
Nathan: Oh my god, he would so be a fishmonger, that's...
Kristian: He could be a fishmonger, couldn't he?
Nathan: Yeah. That's really good. There you go. Love it.
Con: Well he's full of hate. He's full of rage. He's obsessed with himself. Conservative MP. [audience cheers and claps, Con points at someone in the audience, tries to point something out to Nathan]
Nathan: What if I was like, wait a second guys, that's not fair. Imagine. Fuck the Tories. [more cheering]
Fan: Thank you so much.
Nathan: Thanks babe.
If your character was reincarnated as an animal, object or plant, what would they be?
Nathan: Hi. Great outfit. [again, the fan is in Lucius cosplay]
Fan: Hi, I'm Jady. And my question is, if your character was reincarnated as a animal, object or plant, what would they be?
Nathan: An otter, I think. You can see that. That might be, I think he'd be an otter. Yeah. Like a sweet, slippery, little fun otter.
Con: [muted] Or a raccoon.
Nathan: [indignant] A raccoon?
Kristian: I think slippery is the right word.
Nathan: Yes. Slippery. Let's face it. Gorgeous. Otters. are gorgeous. Yeah. Yeah, that, I think.
Kristian: Wet.
Nathan: Salty, wet, frightened of things.
Kristian: I would be some sort of large dog, I think. But what breed would it be?
Nathan: A Staffordshire bull terrier?
Con: Irish wolfhound.
Kristian: Thank you.
Con: There you go.
Kristian: I'll take that.
Con: Yeah.
Kristian: Yeah, thank you. An Irish wolfhound. Irish wolfhound. There you go.
Con: A wolf.
Nathan: Yeah. Really good.
Con: In his head he's a wolf. In real life he's a Jack Russell. [audience laughs] But yeah. Good question.
Nathan: Love it. Thanks babe.
Fan: Thank you very much.
If the whole cast was on a pirate ship, who would be captain and who would be the first to walk the plank?
Nathan: Hi.
Con: Hiya.
Nathan: Oh my god, another Lucius, I love it.
Fan: Hi, my name's Daisy. My question is, if the whole crew... if the whole cast was put onto a pirate ship and set off to sea, who would be Captain and who would be the first to walk the plank?
Con: I think Blackbeard, Taika would be captain.
Nathan: Yeah, maybe. Yeah, maybe Taika. Or maybe, I mean we've said this before, but maybe Vico. Cause Vico is the only one who had any actual skill, anything we had to do. Vico can tie knots and throw knives and stuff.
Con: [overlapping] Um, excuse me?
Nathan: I don't know, I don't know babe.
Con: Fuck you.
Nathan: Yeah, fair. [pointing at Con] First to walk the plank, absolutely.
Con: Yeah. First to refuse to walk the plank.
Nathan: I know of, without even thinking about it, I would be the second to walk off the plank. Cause I think I would be able to sort of hide how useless I was for the first day and a half by being like, "he's doing a pretty bad job, right guys?" And then as soon as they got rid of him, they'd be like, oh yeah, what the fuck are you doing here? So yeah.
Con: I mean, the thing is, everyone on is good at their job. Stede becomes good at his job. So it depends on what point. If it's straight away, Stede's walking that fucking plank. Otherwise it's, it's Lucius.
Nathan: Thanks.
Kristian: In my opinion, we're all awful, awful pirates. I have a memory of, we did some pirate training, boating training...
Nathan: Lol.
Kristian: ...before we started to film. And we were all taught different... like there's knot tying, rigging, climbing, belaying.
Con: And we've never used any of it.
Kristian: And the only thing anyone could do was belay. So every time it was like, do something piratey, everyone would grab a rope and start to belay. What is even belaying?
Nathan: [overlapping] I'm having a, I'm having a trauma flashback.
Kristian: Yeah, I know.
Nathan: Back to that pirate training.
Kristian: It was awful. I'm so not cut out for a life at open sea. But we all can belay really well and nothing else.
Con: Yeah.
Kristian: What is even belaying?
Con: I don't know. Isn't it a dance?
Nathan: With a gun to my head, I couldn't tell you. Truly, don't know, couldn't tell you.
Kristian: It's tying a rope around a little... nubbin.
Con: Good question.
Nathan: Thanks babe.
Nathan, who do you think would sketch Lucius?
Con: Hello.
Fan: Hi, I'm Moss. First of all, Con, I love your shirt. The show means a lot to many trans people. And your support means the world, especially in the current political climate.
Con: It's my fucking pleasure. [audience cheers]
Fan: Thank you. And I have a question for Nathan. So we know that Lucius loves sketching people, but who do you think would sketch Lucius?
Nathan: Oooooooh. [Con sticks a leg up] Full fan kick. Who do I think would sketch Lucius? I think Lucius would ask Black Pete to do it and then they would immediately have the worst argument they've ever had in their entire life. Which is basically the experience of whenever I get my boyfriend to take a picture of me. I'm like, of course that's what you think I look like, amazing. And he's like, that's a nice picture of you. And I'm like, sit, okay, we have to break up immediately. I think he could convince Fang to return the favour. Do you know what I mean? And I think he'd do a gorgeous job, honestly, I think Fang's got the making of an artist in him. Yeah. Thank you so much for your question.
If you could change something about your costume, what would it be?
Con: Hello.
Fan: Hello. So my question is, if you had any chance to change something or add something to your costume, what would be the thing you want to add or personalise?
Nathan: Comfier shoes, maybe. The shoes, oh god, they're so uncomfortable. Maybe that.
Con: I love my costume. Yeah. Everything in the costume works and is inherent in what he does. So yeah, the designers on this show have been phenomenal, and also just phenomenal in working with the actor to achieve the whole character look. And it's lovely to be able to work with people of that, with that kind of camaraderie. It's been an absolute hoot, on both seasons. Yeah.
Kristian: I actually love my costume as well. I absolutely love it. I have worn costumes that are very heavy and warm and yeah, this is super lightweight. It's super comfortable. It has holes in all the right places.
Nathan: Eww.
Con: Unlike you.
Kristian: Unlike me. In all the wrong places.
Nathan: Jesus Christ.
Kristian: Yeah, it keeps me cool. What more could you want from an outfit?
Con: I'm going to say something here that will probably get me fired. His costumes in season two are phenomenal. [audience cheers] Nathan's costumes in season two don't exist because he's dead. [audience member: boo!] Truth hurts. Suck it up.
Fan: Thank you so much.
Nathan: Thanks babe.
Con: Thank you.
Did you do any research for the show?
Fan: Hi. I just wanted to say to Con, in October you liked my Instagram post and it was the best thing ever. So thank you. But yeah, whenever you do anything like that, whenever you comment about Izzy's daddy issues, whenever you bring up anything, it sends everyone feral. So thank you. But my question for all of you guys is, Taika is famous for not doing any research on any characters, like in Jojo Rabbit. Did you guys actually do research or not at all?
[Con to Nathan: indistinct]
Nathan: Imagine if I did a scrap of research. I actually did do a little bit. god love me. I really remember doing it actually was, so, I remember sort of laughing at myself as I was doing it. I was like, what are you doing? But we were kind of instructed not to, actually, I do specifically remember Taika and maybe David being like, listen, you can if you want, but it's really not that kind of a show. We're not shooting for historical accuracy here. And they more wanted us to just say... It was more about the characters as opposed to the period, if that makes sense. So I think we all did a lot of background work on our characters, but the emphasis wasn't on the period and all the rules of piracy, because all of that's also just in the script. I'm just excusing my laziness basically. But yeah. Yeah.
Con: I'd never picked up a sword before I did this show. So I had quite a few weeks of sword training in the UK and then in LA when we went over. But we didn't have the scripts. So we were getting the scripts 10 days before we'd film. So you could kind of read up about it, but our pirate- our world is very different from historically the real world in many ways. So I just wanted to be able to physically do what I had to do, and just trust the rest would come with the beautiful writing that we have. Kristian?
Kristian: Yeah, same, I didn't really do any revision or research for my character apart from who the character was for me. As I said, we were instructed not to. So yeah, I did what I was told. I'm a good boy and didn't do any work.
Nathan: Good boy. Perfect. Thank you.
Fan: Thank you.
Con: Good question.
Did you steal anything from set?
Con: Hello.
Fan: Hello. A Swedish pirate invading London.
Nathan: You look gorgeous.
Fan: Thank you. So I have a question. Did you ever steal an item from the set when you were done, as a souvenir?
Nathan: I was way too scared. I was way too...
Con: I thought you were going to say I was way too drunk.
Nathan: Yeah. Well that too.
Con: Yeah.
Nathan: No, I was, I was terrified. Yeah. Especially because you know, you never know what's going to get used again. Props get recycled and stuff all of the time. And I guess if I was going to steal anything, what would I have stolen? That huge book? It's not exactly easy to steal. It's bigger than my fucking torso.
Kristian: Yeah. Well I had already learned my lesson from another show, which will not be named today.
Nathan: Booo! No, I'm joking, I'm joking.
Kristian: I didn't say it! I didn't say it. But after I died in that show, I...
Con: You die?
Kristian: I did die. Yes. Spoiler. I took a piece of the door which I died against, a tiny, tiny piece of balsa wood. Tiny. And I thought I'll keep this in my script and remember forever the day that I died. So I put it in my script and I mentioned it in an interview or whatever. Next thing, Google alert comes up. "Game of Thrones actors warned not to steal from set as Kristian Nairn steals a door." A whole fucking door. I did not walk off set with a door.
Nathan: I like the idea of you walking with that...
Kristian: Can imagine me with like...
Nathan: Under your top.
Kristian: Yeah, on my back.
Nathan: "Bye guys, so nice to work with you." Imagine. Tote bag.
Kristian: So after that I did not take anything from set, and nor will I.
Con: That door is now the door to his bedroom.
Nathan: Tiny little mouse door. Imagine.
Con: I didn't nick anything. I tend not to. I tend to want to finish the gig, that's it. Put it away. I mean, what's been lovely about your reaction is the gifts we get, like this awesome little... [shows off a small bag with Blackbeard's flag and rainbow trimming, audience cheers] So I don't feel I have to nick anything because you lot keep giving me all these memories. So...
Nathan: Yeah, so true.
Con: So thank you for that. Good question.
Fan: Thank you. Tack so mycket.
Nathan: Thank you.
What has it been like working on a show that has got such interesting things to say about gender and masculinity?
Con: Hello.
Fan: Hello. My name is B [signs "my name is B"] and as someone who was a teenager for section 28, part one, I just want to echo Moss and say a massive thank you for speaking up about section 28, part two. And for my question, what's it been like at the moment working on a show that has got such cool and interesting things to say about gender broadly and masculinity more specifically?
Nathan: Love that.
Con: Do you know what. [sits forward] The right are frightened of you. The right are frightened of young people, because young people have embraced, majoratively, the trans movement, the LGBTQI+ movement. So they will do anything they can to try and undermine you. It's not new. They've done it all my life. Right? So fuck 'em. [audience cheers] The one thing I will say, as an old man: they don't want you to vote. They're going to try and make it harder and harder and harder for you to vote. Vote. Vote the fuckers out. [audience screams] Every opportunity you get, vote the fuckers out. And if that means you have to get photo ID, if that means you have to queue for hours, do it. Vote the fuckers out. That's how you beat them. There's no other way. Because they're always going to hate minorities. Always. Fuck 'em, vote the fuckers out. There you go.
Kristian: How do you follow that?
Nathan: That was a perfect answer. We don't have long, let's maybe just... Yeah, yeah, yeah, that was gorgeous. We can't top that. That was beautiful. [joke mode] And I wouldn't want to top it. Imagine. Okay.
Con: Yes you would.
Nathan: [weird fake laughter] Thank you babe. [blows kiss]
Con: Thank you.
What films and snacks would your characters pick for film night?
Nathan: Hi.
Fan: Hi. My name's Amber. And I'm just wondering, so the crew are having a film night. What films are your characters suggesting and what snacks are you bringing?
Nathan: Ooh, good question. I'm just trying to stop myself from being like, Mean Girls cause that's just a dumb answer. A perfect film.
Con: What movie and what snacks?
Fan: Yeah.
Con: Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Chicken wings.
Nathan: Yeah, really good. Maybe like, I think Lucius would quite like Grey Gardens or something. I think he'd be quite into that. Cause I think he'd look at the life that they're living and he's like, yep, I'll do that, I want that. I want to go mad in a huge weird house. What snacks? Reese's, Reese's peanut butter cups. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Kristian: Is this for our character or for us as a per- me?
Fan: Character.
Kristian: Oh, character. Oh my god. Maybe... what do you call that movie with Tom Cruise, Far And Away. Far And Away with Tom Cruise. Inspiring him to travel to other lands and... Terrible answer. And food. I don't think Wee John is fussy. I think he would just take whatever's on the table. Really buttery popcorn. Yeah. Buttery popcorn.
Con: I'd also say that once everyone had left Izzy's place or had passed out, he'd put on Beaches.
Nathan: Love it.
Con: Good question.
Nathan: Thanks so much. Thank you.
How has the diversity in the show affected the growth of the fandom and getting a second season?
Nathan: Hi.
Fan: Hi.
Host: So I'm just going to say, unfortunately, this will have to be our last question.
Nathan: I'm so sorry guys. We talked for so long. Come and see us at the table.
Con: Yeah, come and tell, ask us your question later.
Nathan: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Host: However, can I ask, after our last question, can we take a picture with everyone?
Nathan: Yeah, that'd be so fun.
Con: Yeah, absolutely. I'd love to.
Host: We'll do that.
Nathan: We'll do that. Yeah.
Fan: Hi, I'm Ari. And my question is, how do you think the diversity, not only in casting, but also in how the show was written, has managed to accumulate such a huge fandom and following, and how has that affected the opportunity for us to get a season two of a queer show, where we would so often not get one?
Nathan: People want to see themselves on screen. Do you know what I mean? And people, it's not, I dunno why TV execs act like it's this really difficult formula to crack. It's like, if you hire diverse teams, you create diverse shows, you will bring in a diverse audience. It's not rocket science. Do you know what I mean? And I think this show, I think what's really cool about the show is when you look at the writing staff, they really put their money where their mouth is. Because we still have, now, super diverse shows on TV that are written by an all white writing staff and an all cis writing staff and whatever. And I feel like David, when he was obviously crewing up for his writers rooms, really made a self-conscious effort to make sure that that room was properly actually diverse and not just paying lip service. And look at the result. It's great. [audience cheers]
Con: Ditto.
Nathan: Thank you. Thank you. Great.
Con: Three dittos.
Nathan: Yay.
Host: All right. So if we can all stand up and come a little closer to the stage, let's all squeeze in as much as possible.
Nathan: Oh my god, this is wild.
Host: Look at all of you.
[various picture-taking chatter, etc]
Host: Thank you everyone.
Nathan: Thanks.
Host: Give it up for Nathan, Kristian and Con.